I'll be going to Mangalore for Minni's (a.k.a Short Prick) wedding. Will update with a post and photographs once I'm back. If any of you guys are around don't forget to look me up. I'll be reaching Mangalore on 16th of May.
Some Pics from that trip:
EW just after the first J: I just love hideki

Bhajji and us at a river bank somewhere on the outskirts of Mangalore

Our trusty transport

Minni and Ashwija at their ring ceremony: Notice the Singh is King outfit

The Stoned Trio

Me before going for Minnis wedding

The Happy couple after exchanging their vows

ya comin to blore???
Banglore! not right now..I'll be comin to blore in June.
aaah june.. right month to make it, complete my course then :))
when did i post this??? :o
u dont know?
no dude i dont know... i feel someone is isusing my name on ur blog!!!!
So give yourself a username and we can filter your comments. Obviously there will be many anonymous people out here.
oh like tat... smart ;)
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