Wednesday, March 21, 2012

What's up Scoffers?

Well, if you see the amount of posts this year, you would be wondering what I was up to. Was I roaming the jungles of Africa, finding the cure for AIDS from the very place where it originated? Was I looking for a way to satiate the greed of politicians and lobbyists around the world?  Or was I searching for peace, nirvana and the zen way of life?

The answer my friends is not blowing in the wind (sad joke, I know). You know what this humble narrator was up to all this while? I, my dear readers, was busy selling my soul to the corporate world. That's right. I have managed to get myself a cozy job and become a corporate whore! 

I have been so inundated with work that I've had no time for family, Emily or even you guys. But, an apology is in order. And so is an update of sorts.

I turned 30 on 30 December. Once again, a huge party was thrown in my honour and a huge crowd gathered to congratulate me on reaching the milestone. It was a small matter that 29 December happened to be EW's wedding night. OK, I'll wait till you close your mouth, wash your face, etc. Now that you have snapped back to reality, it's true. EW has tied the knot and got married in a grand ceremony. Pics here. Start with 'Fals & Herman - Part 1 of 7' and move upwards to till you have seen all the photos. Appreciate each and every photo that appears in the albums Part 6 of 7 and Part 7 of 7 as they were clicked by yours truly. Except for the ones in which I'm there. Those weren't clicked by me (obviously! Geez, how dumb ARE you guys?). 

And, if anyone is wondering why EW's cousin - his own flesh and blood - has put Fals' name before his while naming the albums, STOP. If you know EW as well as I do, you'll know that people will put anything and everything before EW. For example, if there was this really corrupt politician about to die in a raging fire and at the same time, somehow, you could save EW from getting raped by a really horny gay gorilla, who would you save? I, as I always have, would leave my friend to his plight and save the politician. Then, I would make the politician buy some alcohol, sit and drink it with him and make an MMS of the love fest between EW and the gorilla. In fuckin' HD, baby! I would also go to the extent of sending it to most of the BJP's MLAs too. That's how much we love EW, don't we?

Anyhoo, after the delving into such erotic depths, my brain needs a breather. I'm sure yours do too. So, here take a look at some baby turtles make their way into the big bad ocean. For images that will make you go, "Awww", click here. If you can't view the awww-inspiring photos (see what I did there? Dude, that's the reason they hired me as a Copy Supervisor), it means that you are part of my family that has somehow found this link. Yes, I have restricted your view of most of my profiles for obvious reasons. You guys are faster and louder than that Aaj Tak guy.

Getting to the big three O has somehow made me bolder and  quite unabashed. So, don't get irritated by the sporadic self promotion in places, the graphic description of animals or even things raping EW. Don't be surprised if I put up a pic of a good friend's ass. Yes, I have quite a few of them. Don't say I didn't warn you. Oh! FYI, the good friend in question is male.

Before I make a further ass of myself, here's hoping that all our readers (a total 5 in number according to Google Analytics) have had a great first three months of the New Year. May you make your firm, clients and business more money in the rest of the year than I have made mine in the first three.

Wait, I'm not signing off. After long I have gotten a chance to speak here (and long may this continue) so, I want to take this opportunity to tell you guys that some announcements are coming your way. No. I'm not getting married. Just yet. And, no there's no cure for AIDS. Nor have I found nirvana. But there are a few things I wanted to do before I turned the big three O, which I hope to accomplish by the time I turn three 1. So, watch this space for more. Many more updates to follow.

Till the next post amigos! Ta ta. 


Anonymous said...

i was just giving u the silent treatment :P

Fat Old Son said...

Really! But why?

Anonymous said...

hahahaha... just kidding dude, been really busy... not able to read the whole blog completely to comment... get nostalgic in between :P

Fat Old Son said...

Really? Dude stop flattering me :P